💵How to Set-up a Gnosis SAFE Multi-sig Wallet

To set up a Gnosis Safe multisig wallet, follow these detailed steps:

To set up a Gnosis Safe multisig wallet, follow these detailed steps:

1. Navigate to the Gnosis Safe Website

  • Go to the official Gnosis Safe website: safe.global.

  • Click on the "Launch App" button, usually located in the top right corner.

2. Create a New Safe

  • On the welcome screen, select the option to "Create new Safe."

  • Choose the desired network (e.g., Ethereum, Goerli testnet, etc.).

  • Connect your wallet (e.g., MetaMask) to the Gnosis Safe interface.

3. Name Your Safe

  • Assign a distinct name to your Safe for easy identification later.

4. Designate Owners

  • Add the Ethereum addresses of the owners who will have access to the multisig wallet. You can add multiple addresses.

  • Each owner must have their own Ethereum address.

5. Set Confirmation Requirements

  • Determine the number of confirmations required to authorize a transaction. For example, if you have five owners, you might set the requirement that any three must approve a transaction.

  • This step adds an extra layer of security by ensuring that multiple owners must approve transactions.

6. Finalize and Deploy Your Safe

  • Review all the details to ensure accuracy.

  • Proceed with the creation of the Safe. You will need to confirm the transaction using your connected wallet (e.g., MetaMask).

  • Wait for the smart contract to deploy the Safe. The duration can vary depending on network congestion.

7. Sending and Receiving Funds

  • With the Safe now active, you can send funds to it. Ensure the address is correctly formatted to avoid errors.

  • To send funds from the Safe, initiate a transaction and gather the required number of confirmations from the designated owners.

8. Backup and Security

  • Create backups of all multisig master public keys and store them securely.

  • Ensure all owners understand the security protocols and the importance of keeping their private keys safe.

Additional Resources

  • For a visual guide, you can refer to YouTube tutorials that provide step-by-step instructions.

  • Detailed written guides are available on platforms like Nextrope and Thirdweb.

By following these steps, you can effectively set up a Gnosis Safe multisig wallet, adding an extra layer of security to your digital assets.

Last updated